Effectively scary and unnerving
19 October 2017
I remember seeing this film for the first time when I was 6 years old. I saw it at our holiday house in Byron Bay and only 3 movies have ever terrified me as much as this one did (Jeepers Creepers and A Nightmare On Elm Street) but the idea of this movie is still so great whenever I think about it. Instead of a blade wielding psycho we have death itself as our villain. And hey, it can take any of us out whenever it wants. It cannot be stopped. Unlike the Terminator, some plastic explosive will not do the trick. If you're chosen, your time is up mate. I couldn't sleep for about 3 weeks after watching it. I still don't know how i can get on a plane without having a nervous breakdown.

I also look on this movie fondly as it gave me a serious adrenaline rush of fear. It is more thought provoking than people give it credit too. We are only here on borrowed time after all. The big man in the sky will send the reaper to come calling for us someday. Maybe we should just be grateful we didn't end up on this particular death list, as I would like to die with my body parts intact at the very least. Another great thing about it is Devon Sawa's performance, believable and sympathetic. He brings credibility to a role that could have been cardboard. It is a great shame that his career never took off after this, but he can at least smile knowing he gave a memorable performance in at least one movie. It's still no masterpiece and it has an unsatisfying ending, and of course all the sequels sucked, but it will always send that shiver down my spine in the most satisfying way whenever I watch it. Times up flight 180.
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