Geostorm (2017)
Enjoyable disaster movie that went way over-the-top (and it's a good thing)
14 October 2017
Written and Directed by Dean Devlin in his directorial debut, I personally question his ability to direct a movie, especially when it's about a space engineer trying to fix a weather-controlling satellite before a massive disaster, the Geostorm, ensues. With a pretty big budget for a newbie director, and a great cast, including the well-known guys like Gerald Butler, Ed Harris and Andy Garcia, there a 50-50 chance that it'll succeed, ...or fail. Ultimately, Geostorm is a solid enough movie, with good directing, great music, good acting, and possibly one of the craziest disaster movies out there.

Gerald Butler is great as the troubled Jake. The crew of the ISS is also great, particularly Alexandra Maria Lara as Commander Ute, Eugenio Derbez as Hernandez, and Amr Waked (who I at first thought it's Antonio Banderas) as Dussette. Ed Harris is amazing as Leonard Dekkom, and Andy Garcia is also very good as President Palma. Jim Sturgess as Max, however is wooden at times, so does Abbie Cornish as Secret Service agent Sarah Wilson, although she did got some badass moments which is great.

The movie pushed the boundaries of believability, and presents us with probably one of the most craziest, over-the-top doomsday scenario ever put on film. Frozen on the Afghanistan desert, extreme heat on Hong Kong, and massive tsunami in Dubai is just one of the examples of how over-the-top, but still enjoyable film. It's a solid mark on Devlin's directorial work, and we can expect to see him directing again soon. The story's focus about climate change actually helps in adding tension and kept us imagining what happened if these disasters happened in real life. The humor is also well executed, and worked, especially those who seems to came straight outta a meme("Marry Her!" - the president). The editing is also, very well done. Intense scenes felt very intense. Action scenes felt very exciting, and emotional scenes felt very impactful. They also tried at concealing the plot twist in the movie, and they did very well. The cinematography is good, and the music is also, very good, another remarkable work by Lorne Balfe. What does surprise me is it's political subplot, which actually, a great idea (but leads to one of my gripes with this movie).

However, this movie is plagued by a lot of problems. The dialogue is cheesy at times and some scenes felt very awkward. The movie is also filled with plenty of plot holes. Several plot points were mentioned and gone without resolution, and small problems appear, and then completed within like 5 minutes of screen time. The CGI is at times very unconvincing, with destruction physics felt very fake. And as aforementioned, the political subplot is a great idea on paper, but it suffers from Devlin's direction, which makes the subplot seems unnecessary and very out of place.

Nevertheless, Geostorm is insanity at it's finest. The over-the-top plot, along with great cast, good performance and an all-out spectacle of destruction makes it a enjoyable ride from start to finish, though the dialogue and unconvincing CGI ruins the movie a bit.

Final Score: 7/10
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