Review of Clinical

Clinical (2017)
Throrougly unsatisfying
8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A psychiatrist finds in her office a young girl patient of hers. The girl is cutting her wrists and eventually slices her neck. The psychiatrist is left traumatized and bored with her other boring patients. We meet a girlfriend of hers, her own psychiatrist, her cop boyfriend, the guy running the clinic where the girl was being treated originally. She has nightmares and visions of the girl. She sees things everywhere and her cop boyfriend is there to help. But of course there's nothing nor anyone out there bothering her.

Finally an interesting new patient shows up. Even though she claims not to take post-traumatic stress patients of course she makes an exception for this guy, who has his entire face burned. She uses exposure therapy to help him remember what exactly happened the night of the accident. He stopped on the road for some victims of a car crash, got one guy out of car and then something happened. All this takes several sessions. And it wasn't entirely clear to me how this is worked out. In any case, there's a twist. In her stress, our psychiatrist ends up killing someone when she has another vision of the girl. That lands her in the psychiatric clinic but she manages to escape, to resolve things once and for all and some more surprises are in store for us.

Clinical has some good story elements but this movie is unnecessarily long and dull. It didn't manage to get me to care about the main character or even about the story itself. There are a couple of time lines going on here and at times things weren't clear to me and I didn't care enough to pay more attention. Things did get bloody at times. A shame the direction managed to botch a movie that should have been much better.
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