Exponential propulsion for the Enterprise?
2 October 2017
This episode of TNG has visiting scientist Stanley Kamel better known as Dr. Kroeger from Monk aboard the Enterprise. He's a scientist who's quite full of himself even though both Commander Riker and Data question the validity of his claims that he can increase the travel capabilities of the Enterprise exponentially. But his assistant Eric Menyuk has everyone's curiosity aroused. All but Wil Wheaton who accepts Menyuk at face value and becomes his friend.

The experiment does succeed, but it flings the Enterprise millions of light years from earth to a galaxy where strange thing are happening. It's all to do with the Traveler as Menyuk is called. What can he do to reverse the situation?

A favorite TNG episode of mine. And it has a lot to do with the further adventures and maturing of callow youth Wesley Crusher.
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