The Reading Room (2005 TV Movie)
An Oasis in a Barren neighborhood run by Mr. Jones
2 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to watch the movie MONEY BALL with Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill but I miss the first half hour of the Movie. By happenstance I clicked to another channel and low and behold the movie The Reading Room starring James Earl Jones came on. The Reading Room? Odd title but I'll give it a chance. The story begins with a retired wealthy businessman William Campbell (James Earl Jones) He just lost his wife and he decides to make good on a promise to her to open a Reading Room in the old neighborhood they grew up in. The neighborhood is filled with Black and Hispanic children in the lower living scale. The reading room is a simple looking structure. Actually it's a mid sized store front building with the words "Reading Room" on the Glass. The locals don't even pay attention to the place as kids and gang members pass by without even a glint in their eyes. One day, open and no takers to come inside to relax and take out a book, Mr. Campbell puts up a sign "Free Soda". The Idea gets interesting results as kids and black teenage girls lead by the vocal Leesha (Monique Coleman) come inside for the free beverages. The eight and nine year old boys use the computer for the games as they drink the soda. The girls tell Mr. Campbell they would stay if he buys certain magazines. Whatever the kids want Mr. Campbell provides. Money during this whole movie was never an issue. Soon the undesirables (The street Gang) show up and grab sodas out of the refrig and then take off in their cars. To add to Mr. Campbell's anguish the gang demands he bring the sodas to them like a drive through car hop person. The next day A Coca-Cola machine is installed but there is still no charge but you have to use tokens which are in a plate on Mr. Campbell's desk. One day a little girl, Majoli (Gabby Soliel)comes in an asks Mr. Campbell to teach her how to read better. Touching moments as the burly Campbell and this little girl connect. Meanwhile Campbell is coldly approached by the local Reverand Rahim with his pose,who questions his motives as to why would you make a retreat in a rough part of town? As the man of the cloth felt threatened by the Reading Room. One night the reading room was broken into and the computer was taken. Enter another user of the reading room Darrel (Keith Robinson) who found a place to study for the SAT exam which he can't do at home. Meanwhile Campbell is approached by the local grammar school teacher Diana (Joanna Cassidy) who sees the value of the reading room. She has a student Edgar (Austin Marquez)who excels in math but can't read. The character to watch for is the street kid with no future Javier (Douglas Spain) who was picked up for selling a stolen computer but instead of going to jail Mr. Campbell offers the boy a job at his establishment. Many road blocks in this heartwarming story of caring and growth as the credo of the reading room is More Care, Less hate. James Earl Jones gives an outstanding performance in subtle way, very restrained, even when his place is vandalized he hold this calming demeanor.I enjoyed the drastic change in the Javier character as he starts out as reluctant street hood to a productive coordinator of the reading room. This film also addresses how to overcome learning disabilities and of course the power of learning to read but most importantly giving something of yourself back to your community which is paramount in a person's character. I have to admit I got misty watching this lost cause grow into fruition.
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