Save you hours of endless circumstantial evidence H.H. Holmes IS NOT Jack the Ripper
28 September 2017
Over the years I've always had a fascination of just who Jack The Ripper was? So when I heard about this new documentary I tried to keep an open mind going into it. I will always listen to theories on who it could be. I had done a little research and had heard that many people had said that Jeff Mudgett who has the leading role in this documentary series and is H.H. Holmes great, great grandson, or something like that, was a bit 'nutty' ... All this show really does is confirms that. His theory that H.H. Holmes is Jack The Ripper... NO, HE'S NOT. 100% he's not. Don't waste your time with this. It's full of close but not close enough theories. A lot of it is based on if Holmes faked his own death and the Ripper style murders that happened afterwards.. Well, it turns out he didn't fake his own death and the Ripper style murders still happened. They go on about periods where he stopped killing. And the murders started in London. There could be many other explanations for this.

Like I said, there are too many... so it's Holmes, it's Holmes, it's Holmes... Only to discover it's not. All the conclusive - we can't say it's not him... yeah, but you can't say it is him. Like I said. Don't waste your time on this. If I could give a good bit of advice - Go and read some books on Jack The Ripper and come to your own conclusions... Just be prepared for your main suspect to change the more you read into this... I know I have over the years
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