Direct Hit (1994 Video)
Straight to video action hokum
16 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
PM Entertainment were notorious for churning out low rent action flicks in the 1990s and DIRECT HIT is a very typical example of their output. It's a watchable but completely forgettable little thriller in which a hit-man is assigned one last job, to take out a female witness. He's unable to do so and ends up going up against his old employers in a violent struggle to the death. This is a dark and violent production full of bloody squib hits and little in the way of the big explosive action so beloved by the PM Entertainment producers.

What makes it interesting is the casting. William Forsythe is best known for playing heavies in everything from OUT FOR JUSTICE to BOARDWALK EMPIRE, so it's interesting to see him playing the sleazy protagonist here. He's pretty good, though, and as always much more frightening than the rest of the bad guys in the cast. The supporting cast is engaging with turns for Juliet Landau, the great martial artist Richard Norton (unfortunately wasted), and old-timer George Segal. It's hardly highbrow entertainment, but it passes the time.
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