Karl the Butcher returns in this gloriously gonzo sci-fi/horror schlockfest
7 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
2023. Notorious serial killer Karl the Butcher gets released from hell so he can join forces with fellow infamous psycho Axe and take on a grotesque array of brutal gangs in a violent post-apocalyptic society.

Writers/directors Andreas Schnaas and Timo Rose really go for broke with this enjoyably loopy piece of blithely demented splatter trash: We've got tacky dimestore CGI (not so) special effects, some tasty gratuitous distaff nudity, hammy overacting (Eileen Daily cops the grand eye-rolling histrionic booby prize here with her scenery-munching portrayal of the ruthless Queen Scara), ineptly staged fights, amusing touches of cheerfully crass humor (a group of female warriors have a gross penchant for drinking semen from their male captors!), and an enormous body count. Naturally, Schnaas and Rose pour on the excessive over-the-top gore with infectious glee complete with decapitations, dismemberment, throat slashings, castration, and blood spurting everywhere with pleasing regularity. A total wacky hoot.
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