Friends from College (2017–2019)
What "Friends" Would Have REALLY Been Like
10 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, a show that doesn't paint a rosy picture of old friends and the 'fresh new face' of 40. X'ers and X/Y cusps are hitting a time of change where they're dealing with a very different 40's than their parents, major choices being made later in life due to hard knocks from the failing economy, dot-bomb, and recession; and trying to weather this "40 is the new 20" crap. Many people are saying that these friends are hard to relate to because they went to Harvard. I went to my 10 year high school reunion. It was like this. It was both shameful and hilarious at the same time. "Friends" was what we wanted our long term friends aka "framily" to be. "Friends From College" is the dirty reality of it. They're messy and flawed and have the same fears many of us do - finally ready to have kids and can't, outgrowing marriages, delusions about long term 'crushes' and how childish that can be, etc. Nostalgia can be helpful, but also devastating to real life and sometimes you need to realize you've outgrown people. Seeing them struggle with a new decade in their lives, new challenges, and their immaturity is kind of refreshing. I'm SO sick of seeing perfect friendships. And women who've been friends for longer than 10 years who miraculously don't secretly hate each other or have a hidden jealousy. Yeah right. Also interesting...I know 5 people who have trashed this show...they are just like the people in the show. There are some great comedic scenes in here and I think the cast is pretty darn great. Seeing Fred Savage's character celebrating his 40th birthday...that one stung a little and heightened the point of the show. We're a generation upset about getting older, running out of time, or both. While I did not attend a private college, it was still easy to map their experiences over to something I can relate to, and I can say that they act out feelings I keep inside and I laugh at their consequences. I think it has potential and everyone needs to lighten up.
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