Free Rein (2017–2019)
implausible teen horse drama
4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The actors do their best with some silly dialogue, and kids will have no problem following the simplified plot lines. I do realize this show is aimed at pre-teens and horse lovers, but it can be added to the list of horsey shows clearly written by people with zero knowledge of horses . How about doing a little research? Then maybe we wouldn't see dumb scenes like Zoe stepping into Raven's stall, where he's standing already bridled, with reins hanging. Or constantly showing the horse in his big box stall, tied in the corner on a short rope. Or hear lines like "Bob loooovves buttercups!" (Buttercups are toxic to horses, in fact). And can you believe it--Zoe gets picked for the horse show team after only two riding lessons! On the plus side, the horses look well kept, tack is appropriate and kids all wear helmets. The stable and the surrounding scenery is lovely.The show seems to be gathering a following, so maybe in season 2 they will try a bit harder to get some advice and guidance from people who know horses.
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