Star Trek: Enterprise: Detained (2002)
Season 1, Episode 21
World War II: IN SPACE
6 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After wandering into Tandaran territory, Captain Archer and Travis find themselves in an internment camp with a bunch of Suliban. The main issue with this is the fact that these Suliban are not part of the Cabal and are innocent citizens. Archer and the gain try to help them escape.

The analogy between internment camps used on Japanese-Americans during WWII is quite clear. The history lesson by Archer is unnecessary as the show disrespects its audience a little bit here by assuming we're unaware of the allegorical references. Besides this though, this is a good episode. We get to see the thought process of the Tandarans, claiming that they did this for the Sulibans' own protection, that they didn't want them falling into Cabal hands, etc. The ending climax scene felt a bit truncated but sometimes it can be hard for an episode to be condensed down to 50 minutes.

Sadly this moralistic story is all too relevant in today's society. Even now, we here murmurings of proposed internment camps for people based on their race, based on their religion. This episode goes to show us that fear is universal and it is up to the good guys to make sure that all species out there get fair treatment, even in times of war.
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