Wonder Woman (2017)
DCEU is saved!
3 June 2017
After a good but later mediocre standoff that is BvS, and the disappointment that is Suicide Squad, many people believe that DCEU is doomed to fail...

Let's be honest: 2017 is DC's year, and yes, this is from a Marvel fan.

Directed by Patty Jenkins and stars Gal Gadot in the title character, Wonder Woman is a sharp spear that finally, breaks the bad DCEU curse. In fact, it's the best superhero origin story since Iron Man. Even though Marvel has given us the masterpiece that is Logan (technically, it's Fox. but hey, it's still Marvel to me), the awesome mix that is GotG2, and maybe the unexpectedly great Thor: Ragnarok and Spiderman: Homecoming this year, You've gotta give at least a chance for DC to proof itself, and this year, they made it. DC won this year, period.

Pros: Gal Gadot owned the character! She's very good in this movie. I like how she's not comfortable during the city scene. She also brings a sense of humanity to the character, which is also a plus. Chris Pine is great as Steve Trevor. The rest of the cast also gives their best performances, especially the character of Charlie, Chief and the German general guy. The relationship between Diana and Steve, my god it's heartwarming.

The script is great. Not the best, but certainly not the worst. Zack Snyder proofs himself that he IS a good writer (as long as he's away from the typical somber/sad tone in literary every DC movie (execpt The Dark Knight trilogy)). It can be cheesy sometimes, but it doesn't matter, it don't affect the movie much. The script is, surprisingly hits a emotional tone as well. It's unbelievably sad and it's definitely a plus for the movie. Oh, and the movie's more lighthearted, much like Marvel, and that I definitely appreciate it.

The action scenes were great as usual. A mix of practical and CGI which blended perfectly. The final fight is a CGI fest, which is cheesy yet glorious at the same time. Thankfully, the producers realize their mistakes in BvS, and as the result, the fight didn't went as bad as BvS. Oh, and I already tell that the music is eargasmic?

Cons: A typical problem in every superhero movie: Plot holes, bad CGI, and a weak villain. Otherwise, I don't see a flaw in this movie

Overall, Wonder Woman exceeds all expectations, and proofing that DC can be as good as Marvel. Beautifully shot, well acted, great writing, awesome action sequences, and well directed, Wonder Woman is definitely worth your time, and it is DC's best since The Dark Knight.

Congratulations DCEU you've striked a homer. Sincrely, from a MCU fan

*did I also tell you that Gal Gadot is freakin beautiful?
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