Don't Tell Me It's For Kids.
12 May 2017
This movie may be remembered fondly by people who saw it as children and have never seen it since. Looking at it as an adult, it's all that's wrong with animation from the 1960s: cobbled-together script, ugly character design, looped quarter-animation, songs that teach children Something Important and garish, almost psychedelic colors to garner the approval of children, with nothing at all for an adult who hopes for something magical, or at least funny. It makes one wish for the relative dignity of THE PERILS OF PENELOPE PITSTOP, let alone the adventurous fun of JOHNNY QUEST.

You may, if you wish, assert that this was the best that the animation could afford at this time, but it requires more than putting one in the frame of mind of its intended audience of small children to make it work. Whatever it requires, I don't have it in me, nor do I have any regrets for that lack, just for ninety wasted minutes.
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