An offense for every film lover
9 May 2017
What can I say about this "movie"? Rarely have I experienced a film that failed so completely - and completely on all levels. The "actors" make everything, but certainly not acting. The cheap special effects can be made better by nearly every ten-year-old with a computer. The make-up makes the figures into immovable pseudo-beings. Camera, cut - everything is on the same lowest level. Visual effects are used for they own, not to serve the film or even the story. Especially since the allegedly based on Brothers Grimm, the term "story" is not deserved. This crude "story" never reveals itself. Part of the disaster is a synthetic retort sounds, which are supposed to promise something, even if it never becomes clear what exactly.

Author-director-cameraman-cutter Rene Perez, producer Robert Amstler and composer Risto R Muzik have to hate their audience and filmmaking. I've seen a lot of bad movies, but that's really one of the worst things I've ever seen. And not because it's just trashy. But because this film is "evil", bad, dumb, silly, a real catastrophe through and through. Not one area, not a single one, knows to convince.
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