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2 April 2017
One wonders how a film featuring a male dancer getting sentenced to jail for manslaughter plays out under the straitjacket of the Hays code . Come on you all know what getting at . Trying making a film featuring the Darwinian law of the jungle that is the American penal system without any allusion to gang rape. This is a movie we've all got to see as to how the producers, screenwriters and director are going to get around

AFTER THE DANCE starts after the inciting incident of the killing scene. This opening is so bizarre that I was left wondering if the censors edited the scene out before the film was distributed for release. Indeed as people on this page have noticed this is a film with an entirely strange feel where segments of the story feel like they're missing. The main bulk of the narrative - where the protagonist ends up in jail - isn't in fact the bulk of the story. Instead it's about a convicted criminal on the run who gets lucky enough to relaunch his career again as a dancer. None of it makes sense from a logical point of view and is very contrived . Likewise as everyone has noticed the film just comes to an abrupt stop which led me to ask what the point of the film was
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