Cedar Cove (2013–2015)
Cliff Hangers? More like Lemmings in free fall!
6 March 2017
Where to begin? With much chagrin! I saw this late (early 2017)knowing nothing about it, therefore no preconceived ideas or prejudices. Now having viewed it all I am definitely prejudiced against it. It hurt my feelings which surely must be the first law of entertainment "first do no harm?". We shouldn't comment on pinnochio noses or botox faces which are superficial observations at best. These comments also reveal prejudice, and anyway what did poor pinnochio do to merit such a comparison? Anyway what hurt me was the story line and sub plot "free fall "which this series descended into. Towards the end it seemed like the subplots were queing up at the cliff edge waiting to be resolved. Some of them were even so forgettable that when they reappeared they only merited a "oh that....But I don't care enough about it anyway"....eg...the adopted girl subplot and the private detective father who hardly ever appeared. Casting was bad from the beginning. Andy Macdowell's daughter was loathsome and never got any more winsome through pathos, only more odious. The whole thing was a diversion but I was not diverted!!
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