Some elements make you smile, others not so much
22 February 2017
The directorial film debut of Blake Edwards, 'Bring Your Smile Along' is not one of his best films by a long shot (i.e. 'Days of Wine and Roses', 'Victor/Victoria' and 'A Shot in the Dark'). This said, it's not, though a lesser effort, his very worst (even if for Edwards this is almost unrecognisable in directorial style and humour, but have yet to see a film of his as bad as 'Son of the Pink Panther).

'Bring Your Smile Along' has strengths. It does look good, with stylish cinematography and handsome costume and set design, detected very little sign of cheapness. 'Bring Your Smile Along' fares better on the musical side than on the comedy, while not exactly timeless the songs are still lovely and the electrifying way they are performed and the lively and charming way they're staged really help enliven proceedings. The title song, "Mama Mia" and "If Spring Never Comes" are the standouts.

Frankie Laine is another high point. Laine fans will find 'Bring Your Smile Along' a delight, he is in wondrous voice as usual and his renditions of his songs (that serve his talents well) electrify. As an actor, while not "great" he is still a very likable presence. He is matched by the radiance and skill of Constance Towers. There is at times a nice light-hearted gentle feel that stops any sour taste from properly developing.

As an Edwards film though, and for fans of the director, 'Bring Your Smile Along' isn't anywhere as successful. This was Edwards' directorial debut and inexperience behind the camera is obvious. He fails to properly bring the story to life, which does have a pedestrian feel, and anybody expecting the sass, wit and sophistication of his best work (and the films that still qualify as decent and more) will be disappointed to find all three missing. For a comedy musical, there seemed to be an absence of comedy that actually works.

Laine and Towers aside, the cast don't have much of note to work with and struggle to do anything with those limitations. The characters are pretty bland, like much of the film itself.

Overall, uneven film with elements that stop it from being completely lame. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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