Fine Hill/Spencer comedy with a Brazilian setting
12 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
DOUBLE TROUBLE is another vehicle for Terence Hill and Bud Spencer, that lovable duo of the Italian comedy action genre. The twist in this one is that it wasn't filmed in Florida (for a change) but rather Brazil, although in all other aspects the story and style are exactly the same. The ludicrous plot of this film sees the twosome playing the usual lovable buffoons who are employed to act as stand-ins for a couple of rich but incompetent aristocrats when the latter are targeted by criminals.

After that, DOUBLE TROUBLE plays out exactly as you'd expect for the genre. There's some cheesy romance and emoting and a lot of comic hijinks which don't disappoint. Best of all is the string of electrifying fight scenes which ably mix comedy and action to fine effect. The bits in which the guys team up to brawl in bars and the like and end up trashing loads of scenery are a delight to behold. As with other Hill/Spencer films, you know that the family-friendly flavour means that things will never get too violent or adult in nature. The special effects used in the scenes in which the doubles meet are outstanding and the finale makes fine use of the mistaken identity gag.
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