Training Day (2017)
white washed
7 February 2017
or maybe white savior. whatever. apparently cbs audience has moved on from being senile seniors and is now clueless millennials. why would anyone after having endured the promos ever waste more than 5 minutes on this drivel? pathetic.I do not remember the last time I watched a network TV show in real time. or in any time for that matter. I am a person not a consumer or demographic. last I saw, my brain still works so why would I pretend that I didn't see the movie? having seen it why would I now not IMMEDIATELY reject this premise? knowing what went on in the movie why would I think this show would in any way resemble it? just as in the execrable lethal weapon disaster on fox why would TV execs green light this garbage on anything higher than a 3rd tier cable network such as whatever they are calling the old sci fi network now? I know the reviews section is going away from IMDb because they are tired of getting real reviews and want us all to be docile pablum ingesters but whatever. the cancellation of this excrement cant happen soon enough.
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