Review of Conduit

The X-Files: Conduit (1993)
Season 1, Episode 4
An essential character arc episode
22 January 2017
Prior to this episode we've been vaguely familiarised with Fox Mulder and his work and motivation. In Conduit, however, we have the opportunity, for the first time, to peek into agent Mulder's past and, probably, understand the driving force behind his obsession with his work and uncovering the truth.

The story opens at a campground at night ashore Lake Okobogee, where a single mother, Darlene Morris and her daughter and son are camping out. Darlene is awakened by the vibrations of the RV that is rapidly beginning to shake and rattle as a blinding light floods the scene, and the screams of her son calls her out for help. In the next moment she's outside the RV, as her son, Kevin worriedly informs her that Ruby's gone (his sister). She takes her son's hand as they go about calling for Ruby to no avail.

Personally I find this episode to possess the very primordial essence of the show's ambiance. I do have my doubts as to why I gave it 8 instead of 10 stars, but then again I do believe I have my reasons. Let's see if I can bring them to the surface.

Conduit is an attempt to wrap up the mythology up to this point and reinforce Mulder's quest for his sister, Samantha. The direction the writers' decided to pull the show in was pretty obvious but, what remains obscure, is the apocryphal way they took in going about doing that.

There are certain things that just don't add up quite. For example, the deliberate intentions to throw the viewer into doubt as to Ruby's fate by introducing an irrelevant character in the form of a trashy high school girl who winds up, as if by destiny, in the right time at the right place to tip off the agents about Ruby's disappearance.

The other thing that bothers me is the possible relation between Kevin's mental processing of binary messages by whoever or whatever, and his sister's abduction/disappearance. The episode failed to provide any, and I doubt I could possibly reach any meaningful interpretation, either.

Other than that I find it to be one of the best and most enjoyable episodes. No reason to belabor the point any longer.
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