Review of Butter

Butter (I) (2011)
Three point of view review.
3 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I Love butter on toast!.. Wait… wait... what? A movie about butter carving competitions? That sounds so dumb, but brilliant, fresh, new if it's done right and with the correct group of people. But it sounds so weird when you say it out loud! How did they pitch this!?

Jack "The Film Lover" says... We always complain about remakes, redos, reimagenings, sequels, prequels, shmequels. But that's all we have, so we keep going and we keep watching them. When something new and original comes into the mix, we fear it, we don't know how to take it in until we actually give an original thought a chance and get something magical like "BUTTER".

This movie was fresh and fun and had everything a movie lover would want; emotion, heart, comedy, story, characters who have character. This is another movie I had fun watching. It delivered great entertainment and escapism. There are seven celebrities on the "BUTTER" poster and the most important character of them all is not one of them. Yara Shahidi made the movie! This little girl has some chops and held her own. She showed you comedy and tragedy all in one small package of sassiness and tenderness. I really hope to see more of her in different roles and more movies.

Jack "The Filmmaker" says… You don't need seven celebrities to make a great movie great, you need a great story involving complex characters portrayed by talented actors. It just so happens that the actors in this movie are recognizable celebrities, but these celebrities have challenged themselves. They all play roles that are very different from what we are accustomed to and they do a marvelous job at it. Director Jim Field Smith has great timing and a smooth rhythm of filmmaking. The story develops quick and you are hooked. Jennifer Garner's character was very multi-layered. You hate her, you pity her, you don't understand her. You want to ask her "What is wrong with you?!" many times throughout the film. And as always she delivers. Olivia Wilde stole the show for me. She was completely comfortable in her own skin,she was fun to watch and it seems she had fun playing the role. If there is anyone who can make being trashy classy it's her. Rob Corddry who is always hilarious actually showed a lot of heart, being partnered with Alicia Silverstone was a bit weird for me until I saw them together and got use to it.

Jack "The Parent" says… Take your teen, no kids and no tweens. Unless you have already seen the movie and have memorized the correct scenes where to cover their eyes on a sex scene or have them well trained in the art of ear muffs. The sex scenes are mostly silhouettes and nothing is really shown there is a make out session and some other suggestive things as well as occasional curse word. Not really a movie made for the little ones.
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