Witchboard 2 (1993)
Lame horror sequel with some unintentional hilarity
5 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This follow-up to WITCHBOARD is pretty much a typical example of a bland horror film sequel, as this film is indistinguishable from numerous others. There isn't really much here that we haven't seen before, be it false scares, neurotic characters, boring dream sequences, and contrived deaths. All in all it's a textbook example of how to make a run of the mill film, which contains enough ingredients to mildly satisfy the audience but not enough to thrill them. The plot of the first film is re-run again (it was hardly original to begin with) with a few things changed; this time the spirit is a murdered girl who has become evil after her death (so much for Casper). Unfortunately, there is little to commend this film to hardened horror addicts: not much gore, no nudity, only some amusing swearing and some dodgy/funny special effects.

A good game to play while watching this film would be spot the cliché. Whether it's the flying objects from THE EXORCIST or the spooky scares from POLTERGEIST, you can be sure that, in some way or another, we've been there, done that, before. The acting is generally bad with a generation of young, good looking television actors and actresses taking centre stage, which just shows the trend of picking actors for their looks instead of their abilities these days. And who says that beauty isn't skin deep? Ami Dolenz is not very capable as a heroine and her acting ranges from A to, well, A. Although she wears lots of skimpy clothes (the film excuses this as the Ouija board makes her sexually active, apparently), I didn't find her very attractive either, just another blonde bimbo. Her ex-boyfriend is irritating and macho, a butch guy who needs a good beating (and, thankfully, gets one!). A young heart-throb just stands around mumbling and looking good, so I'm pretty pleased when he dies. Another woman tries to be a hippy and is one of the most embarrassing characters I've ever seen in a horror film. I cheered when she died. The only good characters are a comedy Jewish spiritualist and a lecherous, drunken slob who meets a hilarious death.

Why did I hate this film so much? It had potential to go somewhere, but copped out in a lame, indestructible killer ending which has been filmed millions of times previously. I mean, it's so dull that you just don't care what happens to anybody. The reason I give this film any kind of score is because there are some hilarious moments to savour if you can be bothered to sit through it. A guy's car is possessed and makes him speed through town in one scene, while a woman's body is crushed by a huge weight in another. The funniest bit comes when an overweight man is chased by a squad of killer tools, and the scene of him running, pursued by a flying killer circular saw blade (!) is absolute and utterly brilliant comedy, rivalling The Three Stooges and Laurel and Hardy put together. In fact I would say this is worth tuning in for, just for that one scene. Other than that, the few good moments are obviously the ones involving the Ouija board, but there are far too few of them and the novelty value wears off quickly anyway. WITCHBOARD: THE RETURN passes the time...if you have time to waste. And, unsurprisingly enough, it was followed by WITCHBOARD: THE POSSESSION in 1995.
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