Brighton Pier "World War One"
11 November 2016
Point of interest At the beginning of the film we see a sign on Brighton Pier with World War One above an entrance, of course this was artistic licence by the film makers the term was not used at all throughout that awful conflict

It's hard to pinpoint precisely when the term World War I first arose During World War I, of course, nobody knew that a second global conflict would follow closely on the heels of the first, so there was no need to distinguish it as the first of its kind. After initially referring to the "European War," U.S. newspapers adopted "World War" once America entered the confrontation in 1917. On the other side of the Atlantic, meanwhile, Britons preferred "Great War" until the 1940s—with the notable exception of Winston Churchill, who reminisced about the "World War" in the 1927 volume of his memoir "The World Crisis."

This is one of my Favourite Anti-War films I disagree with a previous poster saying the first "Act" of the film was boring and unnecessary and was on the heavy side

I think the opposite it sets the film up it gives us the information we need to set the movie in context and as for using heavyweights like Gieguld,Richardson,More,Holm,Hawkins,Olivier,Redgrave,Mills, again it sets the perfect tone the correct amount of light and dark
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