30 October 2016
Scrambled comedy more interesting for some of its players than anything else. There's sort of a plot, but its more thrown together than anything that evolves. It's like if we just keep shouting and pushing something funny is bound to happen.

On the cast side, Joan Bennett has way too much screen gravitas for a farce like this. She sure looks the part that guys would fall all over. Nonetheless, she also looks lost in the role. Good thing she soon paired up with film impresario Fritz Lang who sensed her spider woman potential. Note too, early presence of Victor Mature as a hunky gangster. No wonder he went on to starring roles. Then there's poor John Hubbard in the lead. Unfortunately, he has about as much comedic talent as I do, putting a hole in the movie's middle. But my real take-away is little George E. Stone as Benny who keeps popping up with unusual cups of coffee in the gentlest most self-effacing manner possible. He's like a demented little elf, a truly disturbing presence, at least in my movie book. I hope he finally found the right movie set. Just don't let him fix the coffee.

Anyway, I'd skip this over-cooked stew unless the only alternative is a politician's speech.
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