Best Christmas Party Ever (2014 TV Movie)
It Works Despite Itself
28 September 2016
******Christmas Cliché #1 Main Character Name is Nick****** ******Christmas Cliché #2 Two Leads are Adversary's That Fall In Love****** ******Christmas Cliché #3 A Happy Ending******

However the film is still worth watching

"Best Christmas Party Ever"

With the holiday season at hand, a young party planner Jennie Stanton (Torrey DeVitto) learns that her boss, Petra (Linda Thorson), will be retiring after Christmas and hopes she will be left in charge of Petra's Parties, New York's premiere event planning service. Jennie's hopes fade when Petra's charming and handsome nephew, Nick (Steve Lund), arrives on the scene and Petra announces that he will take over the business. She is none to happy but you can figure out what is going to happen.

My only main complaint about this film was that it is suppose to be Christmas time but every time they have an skyline shot of New York there is no snow and it seems to be Summertime!

The acting in this is fine and the story line works. I give major points to this film because they do not make Nick's girlfriend a jealous woman. This was a major plus in my book.

Family safe but in general kids will be bored but adults will like this one!

Now would I watch this one again? "Yes I will".
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