A decent Action film with all the problems of Hollywood
29 July 2016
Had the chance of seeing this film couple of days ago. Lost in the Pacific stars Brandon Routh and Russell Wong, it is written and directed by a newcomer Vincent Zhou. Zhao has got another feature under his belt by the name of Last Flight, which is also set inside a plane during a freak electric storm. In Lost in the Pacific, Zhao goes into a different direction by stepping away from Horror/ thriller to Action/ drama.

The film starts of with us being introduced to key characters as they arrive for the first flight of the new Plane that has Ocean Airline. Russell Wong plays the CEO of the company who has invested everything into buying this new flight route and into this new state of the art plane. Yuqi Zhang an upcoming Chinese Actress plays Ruoxin, who is also one of the main characters in being not only the co-pilot, but is also the sub plot character of being the love interest and also plot progression tool.

Once we get in the air. The drama starts to unfold with passengers and the crew. Russell Wong playing the more dramatic role rather then his usual action heavy type of character really works well here. Props for the director at placing him as the serious actor with emotional lines, Wong delivers them brilliantly. Ruoxin does a pretty good job herself, you can see that while English isn't her first language she is trying a lot, and is proving to be a great actress. As the plane is heading towards the storm, Wong's character whose only motivation is to push further his plane and his airline company doesn't want to be late to all of the media that is waiting for them in Hong Kong. Meanwhile Zhang's character is to prove that she is worthy of being a co-pilot and wants to be respected by all of her peers and co-workers. Being pushed into going through the storm, the plane gets hit by a lightning and is forced to land on abandoned military airport on a small island, where they pick up some mutated cats. Unfortunately the CGI here is the let down of the film. The cats look to fake and very cartoon like and as they are the secondary main villains of the film it does have its draw back, once they narrowly escape the island cats and manage to acquire some new passengers along the way. Brandon Routh character who is is suppose to be this dark mysterious stranger with a good heart works quite well. He has a great physique and looks like he was in the army. Saying that I did feel that any second now Russell Wong was going to go all out on them and do his martial arts.

Acting in this film, for most part was good. The decision of having the film be in both English and Chinese does add value to its cast and makes it easier for them to show emotion as they are not worrying about saying their lines correctly, but it also damages the film as we are not given a reason for world wide airline to just bring with them one reporter who has bad English, and would rather speak Chinese over English. What about the characters choice of most exposure?...

Story wise the film is interesting, and does try and answering each owns question within the film. The cats were there for a reason, the bad guys motivation was also explained, to a degree and the all of the passengers had their own back story too. But it did feel at times that the film wasn't quite sure which way to go and so had the moments of where something was written for the purpose of shock value or extra tension.

This wasn't a bad movie, it had some dramatic moments, some comedy from Brandon Routh along with Action to balance it out and mystery too. Was it a master piece? No.
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