An Expose of History.
20 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It doesn't open wide until Jul 22, but 3 days prior there's already an enormous canyon between the critics (10%) and the audience (76%) on Rotten Tomatoes. What did we expect? The movie opens saying it was based on truth, but I think it's better to say that it's a documentation of suppressed history. I learned a lot and it confirmed a lot. One newbie for me is Ida B. Wells, one of the founders of the NAACP, who was a Republican and worked for a Republican newspaper in Chicago, documenting lynchings, working for women's suffrage, and was even thrown off a train for refusing to give up her seat on the first class ladies coach in 1884. (In a twist, she sued the RR but lost when her black lawyer sold out. Then she hired a white lawyer and won! But that was overturned by the no doubt all white, Tenn Supreme Court). Her home is a Chicago landmark, but till now she's a near nothing but a footnote to history, and an embarrassment to the Democrat Party.

The high point for me was when D'Souza came through and revealed facts that showed Lyndon Johnson to be the corrupt, vulgar racist he always was and remained, and explained why Johnson did what he did. It is a very powerful sequence. And of course the details of Hillary's background are eye-openers if not stomach grinders.

The actors, when used, are pretty cheesy, but otherwise it's a respectable production. The facts are there for all to see and take home to verify. Those already on the political right will appreciate the details and confirmation he provides, and it will certainly help tip the scales further away from Hillary by Independents.
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