Review of Landslide

Landslide (1937)
After the gab, the deluge
12 July 2016
A quota quickie, notable for an early pairing of later real life partners Jimmy Hanley and Dinah Sheridan in the lead; their likable performances being one of the few assets. Donovan Pedelty was one of the few quickie producers to include settings outside the home counties, often in Ireland, and in this case Wales. That is the only distinction however, and like so many others of its type it is overburdened with a surfeit of dialogue. The direction of the actors is flat; and despite the classic situation of a killer at large among an isolated group, followed by the landslide (the one element that is at all convincing) very little tension is generated amid the constant prattle, shouting and hysterics. Ben Williams, who played bit parts in innumerable British films for decades, is given a decent role and proves to be one of the better performers while Bruno Barnabe, often cast as oily Middle Eastern types, is a creepy stage hand with an alarming hairpiece.
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