Warcraft (2016)
Great film with so much hate for no reason
17 June 2016
Had the pleasure of seeing the film on its premiere in Australia. Warcraft is one of the most anticipated game adaptation to ever hit the screen, it is the film that had the chance to beat the curse of video games to movies. Did it do it? well some would say no, others would say probably not! But, for me it was a yes. This was a very entertaining movie with really awesome special effects and amazing fight scenes and with an interesting story to follow. For those that say that the human characters were not developed properly or that there was only one real character that you can relate to, I would have to agree but also point out the fact that this film was about Durotan, and setting up the relationship that the humans are going to have with humans. I would have love to see how Llane Wrynn came into power as the King and how he and the Guardian became such good friends, but that's something they can do in later films. It is like complaining why can Han know what Chewy is saying? and why doesn't any one remember Obi Wan if Star Wars is set only 15 years after the destruction of the Jedi council.

Overall I do not want to ruin the film, or give a lot away, except for the fact that this was a film that sets up the universe for Warcraft films still to come.
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