movie that really invigorates someone with its performance
9 June 2016
Every once in a while, there comes a movie that really invigorates someone with its performances, story, and direction. Birdman is one of those films that just delivers on all forms to bring a unique experience. While that sounds like over the top praise, I feel like this film will be heralded as a classic as the years fly on by.

Good: I love the story for this film as it encompasses pretty much everything that comes along with being in the entertainment world whether it is Hollywood or Broadway. It talks about the plight former A list actors have with trying to stay relevant, the over saturation of superhero movies and how every major actor seems to be a part of one, the battle between big budget movies against indie films, an actor's need for either credibility or box office draw, and the infiltration of Hollywood into Broadway among many other topics. It balances all of these subjects with grace and it never feels disjointed. Add to that the very meta and excellent performance by Michael Keaton, a hilarious turn from Edward Norton, a career best for Emma Stone, a regulatory one from Zach Galifianakis, and a great supporting cast helps makes the beautiful chaos on screen work. Then there's the direction which is marvelous how the movie seamlessly looks like it was shot in one take. Fantastic editing involved along with beautiful cinematography with some breathtaking shots.

Overall, this is one fantastic dissection of the entertainment industry without feeling pretentious and having a lot of fun doing it.
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