Planet of the Babes
29 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Plot; Buck answers a distress call near a hostile world only to discover it's as trap used to lure men to be sold to the highest bidder.

The title here is a bit misleading, as there really is no planet of Amazon women in the traditional sense. The actual "facts" aren't really worth delving into, but suffice it to say the planet does feature a bevy of beautiful women all trying to get their claws into Captain Buck Rogers. What follows is star Gil Gerard being squeezed into a series of increasingly tighter outfits, often looking like 20oz. of hairy SPAM in a 10oz. can. To his eternal credit, Gerard remains at his most charming here, earning every single "Ooooh!" and "Aaaah!" the drooling ladies throw his way.

Though the actual plot is a bit shaky, the script itself is filled with moments of wit, and they finally take some of the action outdoors. Getting out of those claustrophobic sets and adding a little bit of "reality" does make a big difference.
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