Review of Prey

Prey (1977)
Two Separate Plots Blended into a Cheesy, Sci-Fi Sexploitation Stew
29 April 2016

This one came out of nowhere. I'm just watching my way through some Z-grade movies, enjoying cheesy science fiction, laughing at half-baked plots, and struggling to get through some real duds. Then I get to PREY. This one stands out from the rest. Not because it's sexploitation (already got a bit of that in HUNDRA) but because it lures you in with one plot but then sucker punches you with another once you get settled. PREY is two-fold, with a pair of plot threads running parallel over the course of the movie. The first, most obvious, and primarily advertised is that of the alien. The movie opens with the landing of an alien ship in the English countryside. The alien quickly murders a man and assumes his identity, wandering into the forest until he comes to an isolated cabin and our second plot line. Living in this cabin are a pair of lesbian lovers, Josephine (Sally Faulkner) and Jessica (Glory Annen). Right from the start, something seems off about these two. Josephine in particular seems angered by the presence of this mystery man and seethes with a hatred for men in general. Jessica is the more naïve of the couple, kind-hearted and caring. Her first reaction to this stranger on their property is to give him shelter and see to whatever wound is causing his limp. Tensions mount as Josephine struggles to turn Jessica against the man, who has assumed the name Anders Anderson (Barry Stokes), while Anderson tends to his own shady business.

You see, the movie starts out as a sort of body-snatchers thriller. We get the alien landing and then it stumbles across an attempted date rape in the middle of the woods; it rips the man's throat out and transforms to assume his identity before proceeding to crush his date to death with its bare hands. All right, cool. We're off to a fun start and there's even some gore effects when he kills the dude. Then we move on to the cabin and…hold on…now the movie is about a young woman trapped in an abusive relationship with an older woman. Keep in mind, when we first meet the alien it rips a man's throat out and yet, still, Josephine comes across as the most evil character in the movie. She's spiteful and passive aggressive; she's mentally and emotionally abusive to Jessica, keeping her trapped on this little farmstead. Josephine fills Jessica's head with venomous lies, telling her that they have to stay in their hidden little cabin because the evil villagers don't approve of their lesbian lifestyle. Whether that's true or not is never seen, as we rarely wander far from the cabin. And Josephine is hateful of any sort of outside interference. We constantly hear of a man name Stanley, a friend who apparently used to come along once in a while before the movie but has since ceased contact with them. Jessica misses him but Josephine insists she's wasting her time prattling on about him.

So we've got an alien presence and an abusive relationship, but that's not all PREY has to offer. This movie is insane and the more you think about it, the crazier it gets. Keep in mind, the women have no idea Anderson is an alien. They assume from his bizarre behavior that he's just mentally disabled in some fashion. They invite this odd stranger into their home and, at one point, have a little party where they inexplicably dress him up in women's clothing, make up and all. OK, he's an alien and has no idea what's going on, but to these women he's just a mentally confused stranger they can slather in lipstick. It gets crazier. At one point, Anderson ends up thrashing in a lake because he can't swim. In the wide shot, he is very obviously in water that can't be more than six inches deep. And he's just splashing around in a panic. Then Josephine and Jessica jump in to save him and all three wind up thrashing in this shallow water in slow motion while the soundtrack pounds away. Mind you, this water was black and seriously nasty, and there are plenty of shots where poor Glory Annen takes in a mouthful of this muck. Ugh, poor girl. And her character is just so stupid. When Jessica goes in search of clean clothes for Anderson, she happens across a trunk in Josephine's room containing bloody clothes and an enormous switchblade. Just a big ol' box of evidence that Josephine has killed. Yet another reason this relationship needs to be aborted, but Jessica forgets immediately and goes back about her daily routine.

PREY is nuts and for that I give it a recommend. It's a science fiction movie about a cat monster from space (Anderson's normal form is that of a cat person) mixed with a suspense thriller about a young woman trapped in a dangerous relationship with a psychopath; two separate plots tossed in a blender and served as a cheesy, sci-fi sexploitation stew.
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