Hold 'Em Jail (1932)
Nice Mix of Prison and Football
28 April 2016
Hold 'Em Jail (1932)

*** (out of 4)

Curley (Bert Wheeler) and Spider (Robert Woolsey) are framed for a crime and thrown into prison where they are constantly annoying the warden (Edgar Kennedy). The warden eventually needs to two on their football team as the prison goes up against a rival.

HOLD 'EM JAIL isn't going to make you fall in love with Wheeler & Woolsey if you're not already a fan but if you do enjoy their films then you'll probably enjoy this because there are some nice laughs along the way. At just 66 minutes the film is quite fast-paced and it's rather fun seeing them spoof not only the prison sub-genre but also the football one. Football and prison played a big part in films from this era so obviously RKO was wanting to take their duo and smash both of them.

There are several funny scenes scattered throughout the film but one of the highlights has to be the football game where chloroform is used to give the team an advantage. Another funny moment happens early on when Wheeler and Woolsey are framed and not realizing that they are using real guns on their robbery prank. Both Wheeler and Woolsey are at the top of their game and really help sell the laughs. The supporting cast includes a good turn by Kennedy as the warden as well as Edna May Oliver, Roscoe Ates and Robert Armstrong.
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