The Mule (2014)
Aussie drug trafficking tale based on actual events
17 March 2016
This is a really well made film; the plot surrounds Ray who is a bit on the 'slow' side. He plays a bit of 'footie' at his local club and mends electrical goods for a living. Still at home with his parents who are having financial problems. So when he gets made an offer by one of his closest mates to earn some easy cash – he decides to go for it.

It involves a trip to Thailand and more importantly a return trip with a rather full stomach. What follows is a story that had me totally gripped. There are some truly disgusting scenes here too so really make sure you are nowhere near food while this is on – and for a while after.

The acting is all top notch - Ray is played brilliantly by Angus Samson ('Fargo') but the real plaudits have to go to the perfectly horrible cop – Det. Tom Croft played by the superb Hugo Weaving ('Mystery Road') who oozes bad cop in a way that balances sleaze with old school policing and the tension is pounding for most of thisthriller – completely recommended.
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