Not bad - not brilliant but OK
8 March 2016
I'm not a big fan of war flicks or movies about military but I can be drawn in if it's well written and suspenseful enough. One of my favourite TV shows was The Unit. I was worried this would be rubbish tho because so many in this genre are but it was actually pretty good. Sure there are some problems with believability but I don't expect movies to be "real" - only real enough to make it work. In fact I often find "realistic" movies boring as bat guano and wonder why they didn't just call it a documentary & be done with it. Anyway, back to the point. I think this is worth renting as long as you don't have too high expectations. It's fun, action packed, has it's drama and pathos, gives some great insight into the politics & life in that region and is sympathetic & intelligent in it's treatment of local people struggling under the rule of the Taliban. The main actors are mostly good, I particularly like the dude who is in charge of the rescue team. Good acting from him and Diane Kruger. Diane was so good she actually made me seriously dislike her character in the first half of the movie. I just thought the woman was a complete idiot who caused the death of a bunch of people unnecessarily. By the end of the movie tho I felt more kindly towards her. SO the point of this rambling review is, don't worry about the negative reviews. The movie has enough action, authenticity and good production/cinematography to get it past the down sides such as ridiculous behaviour of the "elite" forces & cheesy dialogue. LOVED the last scene (After the titles) so make sure you stick around for it.

Have fun and don't take stuff too seriously ;)
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