Review of Cryptic

Cryptic (I) (2014)
Enthralling and unique
6 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Get Carter meets Usual Suspects meets Agatha Christie meets Shaun of the Dead in an intriguing plot that keeps you guessing right to the final act.

The entire film is set in a crypt and features just 9 characters. Kudos to both the directors and cast for managing to give all these characters enough back story and development to elevate them from pastiche and make them interesting and indeed likable - despite their criminal and in some case psychotic natures.

The "Mcguffin" of the story is a coffin located in the crypt that 8 gangsters, dealers and crooks are brought together to guard. Beyond that is a more abstract story involving gang warfare, revenge killing and a blood-thirsty vampire. I wondered at one point if the contents of the coffin would NOT be revealed, but don't worry the film does have a conclusion, thus I suppose the McGuffin isn't actually a McGuffin!!! I'm pleased about that because I generally find films that don't offer a satisfactory ending thoroughly frustrating. Rest assured you do get a conclusion - albeit one that will make you go back and replay the story in your mind. Indeed I shall be watching the film again very soon to try and spot the "clues."

Hard to pick out any performances as the whole cast were excellent, but special shout outs to Ben Shafik - the most erudite heroine addict you have ever seen, Philip Barantini - wonderfully funny as one half of a pair of unstable brothers and finally Ed Stoppard who has the perhaps unenviable role of being the character that does much of the explaining for the audience's benefit.

Check this out: A) you'll enjoy it. B) supporting independent films is very important if we want to see challenging and interesting projects like this get produced
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