Hubbell is no Telescope
31 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Hubbell Gardner in The Way We Were is an abominable man. He has no passion, and tries to stifle that in Katie-- from the beginning, when he references her love of knowledge and politics as "You never stop, do you?".

Hubbell Gardner is an awful, awful man. All the while she's propping him up, and singing his praises, he's openly treating her coldly. She treated him far too well: from the beginning, remember how he was heading out the door to leave her apartment, and couldn't get out fast enough? He was cold and uncaring, and she sought him out with care anyway.

He has no backbone, as when he willingly lets his book be mangled into a film-- the act to which she fully objects, thinking he deserves better. Instead, he tries to silence her again, and then weakly let his film be mangled.

Hubbell wants Katie to stop challenging him to do better for himself, to want nothing more for him that he actually can work towards. She has more faith in him than he does, but he wants her quiet so he can take the easy way out. Multiple times, he tries to silence her- he frequently tells her to be quiet, and he actually puts his hand over her mouth at the party (granted, she's supposed to be Harpo- on a side note, how is putting on thick eyebrows enough for some of the guests to pretend they're in any swing of things as far as Marx brothers costumes go? It's as bad and dull as the jokes Hubbell's friends make- commentary forthcoming). He wanted her to accept his friends' horrible, dull environs and crass in the horrible, tasteless, unfunny way of humor, and was upset when she didn't want to partake of it.

The only mistake Katie made was in thinking Hubbell was worth her time or efforts. She put her own life on hold to go with him to Hollywood to make his dull film. But while she was there, she still managed to make an impact, heading to Washington, D.C., to protest the House Un-American Activities Committee's blacklist. Thankfully at that point he didn't try to silence her, and actually came to her defense briefly to punch a guy who insulted her. Aside from that momentary gleam, Hubbell has no potential. And even then, he followed it with their core differences- he has no hope for the future, and doesn't mind the melancholy, drab, mediocrity he dwells in, whereas she seeks better and tries to implement it.

Hubbell simply doesn't care for Katie, or for himself. He is perfectly content to live his vapid and pointless life, and doesn't mind hurting Katie along the way. Even his friend, J.J., who made those tasteless jokes, told Hubbell Katie was "really somebody" and somebody you "don't want to lose". Hubbell of course doesn't get it, and cheats on her with the very person J.J. considered no one special. Plus, Hubbell knows Katie is pregnant at the time.

She finally ends it with him, and her giving birth is as sad as it should be happy- the baby is fine, but the relationship that could be- the potential she hoped for in him- is all gone.

When they meet later, he is still incredulous at her ambition, or his inability to put a damper on it. Despite his attempts to make her dull, or lose hope, or become boring like him, Katie is still seeking change and a better future. He has no concept of trying, when he is so emphatic about stagnation and giving up. After she's left him standing with his new lady, she is done with him, and goes back across the street to protest the bomb. As she's focused on her demonstration, he follows her, crossing the street, just to say, "You never give up, do you?"

When they were in college, Hubbell wrote a story feigning ambition, to have things not be easy- but it was all words. Sadly, even that story's recognition in their short story writing class led to real action by Katie, to stop pursuing her own writing, and tear up her work.

She buys him a typewriter. He doesn't get one for himself- she gives him the tool. Still, as Hubbell, it was all a farce. Like the lies of the short story, Hubbell puts up a front, writing 8 chapters of a second novel, which later does not come to fruition. Katie asks if he ever intended to publish it: "No." If he ever wanted to move to France: "No." The closest thing Hubbell ever comes to ambition is his proximity to Katie. And even then, he tries to corrupt her into stagnating and giving up, and giving in to society, as he does.

She thinks his writing style is absolutely gorgeous. This is a clear reference to her fondness for him, and his own attractiveness.

Let this be a lesson to all-- no matter how pretty the words, or the man, it is the action that counts.

Without action, there is nothing, and Hubbell has no idea about action, whereas Katie is action, and drive, and spirit, and motivation. Hubbell is stagnation embodied. He is attractive enough, has the "right" friends, the "right" place in society. He has and is nothing. Especially compared to Katie. Without action, there is no potential.

So unlike the Hubble telescope is he. He has no perspective, no forward-thinking, and no ambition whatsoever. Katie tried to see in him, but there isn't anything to see.

In no way is this a "romance for the ages", but in every way is it a delightful, cautionary tale against giving your life and soul to someone who doesn't deserve it.
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