Heartwarming and Beautiful
21 January 2016
I was certainly excited to see this movie, considering it was a Studio Ghibli movie. I'm happy to say that it wasn't a disappointment, despite not being directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

The plot of the movie is actually really engaging. I found myself wondering 'why' or 'how' a lot, and I still think about it. By the end of the movie it has wrapped it all up relatively well, and your left feeling satisfied for the most part.

The characters are the clear driving force of the movie, and they are actually quite good. Sure, they're relationship is a little rushed. One moment they're almost strangers, next they're best friends. Maybe I wasn't seeing the progression of time as well as I was supposed to, but they were a little rushed. It's explained at the end though, so it makes up for it.

One of the best parts of the movie was the ending. It was very well- done, and wraps up the movie quite well. Not only that, but it gives some food for thought. Some things aren't completely explained, but if you just think about them they make more sense. I don't want to spoil anything, so you'll just have to see it to know what I'm talking about.

Another thing that really jumped out at me right off the bat were the colors. There are lot's of them, all bright and beautiful. The scenery is also wonderful to look at. Visually, this movie is almost flawless. Unfortunately I found that there was a little too much green. Despite there being a reason for it, I found that it got to be a little hard on the eyes at times.

My biggest complaint about the movie is that Anna trips all the time for almost no reason. It wasn't a big deal, but it just got annoying sometimes.

The movie could be quite emotional sometimes too, and it's always great when a movie can actually make you feel something.

Overall When Marnie Was There is fantastic. The plot is interesting, the characters are good, the art design is amazing, and the ending was fantastic. With a few little issues here and there, this movie is one of Studio Ghibli's best for sure. In the end I would certainly recommend When Marnie Was There to just about anyone.
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