Amira & Sam (2014)
Cringe worthy, but fellow Arab & Muslim reviewers need to chill
14 January 2016
I love indie movies, I'm an Arab whose family has a lot of interracial marriages so I was curious as to how this one would be portrayed, and I actually fell for the fake reviews. Long story short, I watched it.

I don't get why people are taking this portrayal of an Arab woman too personally, especially when they whine about stereotyping done on Westerners' part. There is over half a billion Muslim woman in the world, and each one them is different. If you don't want non Muslims to paint us all with the same brush when it comes to terrorism and extremism, why would you suggest that any other Muslim's way of living is a representation of your beliefs? That being said, the movie was not horrible, but it wasn't good either. Too many clichés and cringe worthy moments, there's an idea behind the film, no doubt in that, but it wasn't delivered properly by no fault of the actors, who all gave OK performances, too many plot holes and unrealistic events.
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