Never have so many done so little with so much time!
13 January 2016
This show is the Lagina treasure. We're three seasons into this thing. And little to nothing has been found. Nothing has been proved. And if this was anything but a TV show that had sponsors paying the bills, it would have been shut down after the first season. Episode after episode does not deliver. The writers of narration and the narrator himself do as much as they can to maintain our interest. But with three seasons in. This show has proved to be a complete bust. Episode after episode we have to sit through seemingly endless discussions by all those involved. I don't know whether these guys legitimately believe there is anything at all on this island. But I myself have begun to feel like we are being strung along. We all like to see historically significant treasures found. And while this show is making money, hooking us, week after week. With nothing. There's no there-there. They keep dragging out little bits and pieces of history, and "experts" to keep us interested. But it's gotten tedious. There are only about 10 to 15 minutes of new content per week. The rest is flashbacks and graphics. I read the same article in Readers Digest. But I read it in the 70's. And I thought "Oh Boy". Someone's going to finally address this. THEY HAVEN'T. And I'm 99.999% sure they won't.
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