Review of Grape Nutty

Grape Nutty (1949)
The last short in the series from Screen Gems and it's average at best
20 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the last cartoon in the Fox and Crow series produced by Screen Gems for Columbia studio, although UPA did three more after production closed in 1946. There will be spoilers ahead:

This is the last Fox and Crow done by Screen Gems, produced several years before its release in 1949. Columbia was unhappy with the cartoons they were getting and struck a deal with UPA. There's nothing terribly special about this short. The voices are different and don't sound right to me, for one thing. The gags are predictable more so than usual for another.

Fox and Crow are peaceably sitting together, reading and eating grapes, when Crow tells Fox he's reading about a fox and a crow fighting over a bunch of grape (there was another Fox and Crow cartoon, Fox and Grapes). They find the idea that they would fight like that absurd.

Then they both decide they want the last grape. Things escalate in a predictable, though largely unfunny, arc. Most of the gags are decent. The problem is that they're old and familiar. Even the ending is obvious.

Still, the short is worth watching at least once.
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