Gen-X Cops (1999)
Fast paced teenage action with a sketchy storyline! 3/10
10 December 2015
Review: When I saw that Jackie Chan had produced this movie, I was expecting the young actors to be doing some amazing Kung Fu with some great stunts but it turned out to be about a bunch of gun tooting teenagers with an attitude. Its very fast paced and I didn't know who the goodies or the baddies were half the time because everyone kept on killing each other. Anyway, the film is based around Inspector Chan who isn't really taken seriously in his department, so to prove that he can take-down a bunch of arm dealers, he creates a young elite force to work for him. They then go up against the notorious young teenagers who are not afraid to kill whoever crosses them. The gang boss who controls the whole operation, goes toe to toe with the elite force and the showdown at the end is definitely worth a watch. Personally, I switched of from the film after a while because it seemed a bit messy. There was just too much going on at once and the dark tone of the film made it feel a bit seedy. With that aside, I can understand why it went down well in its native country because it does feel like a cult movie but for this day and age, it did seem a bit dated. I also found it hard to connect to any of the characters, except for the inspector who put in a great performance so it has to get the thumbs down from me. Disappointing!

Round-Up: This movie was directed by Benny Chan who made the great Shaolin and has directed a few movies with Jackie Chan which include New Police Story, Robin-B-Hood and Who Am I?

I recommend this movie to people who are into their action/thriller/comedies starring Nicholas Tse, Stephen Fung, Sam Lee,Eris Tsang, Daniel Wu and Jackie Chan. 3/10
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