Tale of a pig-headed man....and his long-suffering kids.
15 November 2015
When I first started watching this film, I assumed it would be a schmaltzy family film. However, as it progressed, I realized it was the story about a nasty old man who dominated his family...and the attempt by some of them to break out from under his thumb. I do think many WILL see it as a family film but with me being a father, I sure wanted to bust this guy in the nose!

Mr. Matthews (Walter Brennan) and his children arrive in town and they buy a farm. One of their neighbors is David Barkley (Robert Paige) and he's a college educated agricultural agent. But Matthews is a stubborn old guy and refuses to listen to Barkley--choosing to use his old tried and true methods. Likewise, he doesn't listen to his children but dominates them. He pretends everyone in the family gets a say but uses emotional blackmail to get his way every time. When Matthews is badly hurt and his children have to run the farm, the oldest, Deborah (Marguerite Chapman) decides to loosen up the reins and try new methods. When her father eventually learns of this, he tries to sabotage her efforts--all to prove he was right after all.

One of the beneficiaries of Dad's injury is little Susan (Natalie Wood). She's wanted to raise lambs and join 4-H but he vetoed this because...well...because he could! Now with Dad laid up in bed, Susan tries to prove she can raise sheep on her own.

Fortunately, everything works out by the end of the film....and I stopped hating Matthews! It is a nice little film...just try to ignore Matthews' boorishness that occasionally rears its ugly head. Also, try to ignore the kid in the Aunt Jemima costume at the party! My how times have changed!
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