Pit Stop (2013)
One of the best gay themed films ever
1 November 2015
This film is an excellent example of great storytelling. It's a simple film that relies on subtly to tell a deeply human tale, instead of gratuitous sex, massive explosions or over the top violence. In short, if you enjoy films that explore real life, then this film is for you.

Pit Stop succeeds in delivering a very authentic depiction of a part of American life that doesn't get a lot of unbiased coverage. Another aspect of this film which is refreshing when compared with other LGBT films is that it has what I would consider to be an overall positive message. That does not mean it is devoid of angst and conflict; however, this film does a better than average job of balancing the very real challenges many gay men face with a thread of hope and an emphasis on personal fulfillment.

Speaking as a straight woman, I also found this film to be one which has value that extends beyond the LGBT community. Put another way, it really is a film for everyone. It does not depict gay people as living in a bubble, nor does it use straight people as mere props. The straight characters have depth and are portrayed sympathetically, which are things I find many LGBT themed films lack. I highly recommend Pit Stop to anyone who enjoys movies about everyday people and think it would be an especially worthwhile movie to watch for anyone with a gay family member or friend.
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