Review of Zipper

Zipper (2015)
women are like fruits so can you resist the urge to take a bite?
24 September 2015
women reviews all agree that men are pegs! o k leave them in illusion ! one of my married friends always explain men's urge for other women by comparing women with fruits suppose you like apples so you married an apple but after you get full of apples won't you feel the urge to try bananas? what about oranges? watermelon? raspberry ? .....etc! women always blame men that they look to other women's hot spots hey & what man doesn't? it's nature baby wake up. so women has to be smart wives has to change herself with time. apples don't have to remain apples for life they can disguise as oranges sometimes too ! first we see the eager & the fire inside the man when he looks to his office girl colleagues & once again this is totally natural. the movie makes it all clear when we see the master scene sex between the man & his boss sorry his wife! this movie is a wake up signal for wives to wake up before it's too late!
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