Lacked Originality and Imagination
16 September 2015
This movie begins with several teenagers enjoying a day at the beach with one particular person practicing for a wind surfing contest which is scheduled to begin in a couple of days. Fate has other plans however as a great white shark happens to be in the area and crushes the surfboard and devours the young man in the process. Later, after examining part of the surfboard a knowledgeable boat captain identifies the teeth marks found upon it and tells the leadership of the local town what is responsible. Unfortunately, the local mayor by the name of "William Wells" (Joshua Sinclair) has no plans for stopping the race because it would have an impact upon his political plans. So he devises a plan to keep the shark out of the area but what he doesn't count on is the incredible size and power of the creature which manages to get inside the cove in spite of it all. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie I will just say that as a "Jaws clone" this movie totally lacked originality and imagination. As a matter of fact, if one were to fuse parts of "Jaws" with other parts of "Jaws 2" it would greatly resemble this particular film-minus the better acting and special effects. Naturally, there were a few slightly different scenarios here and there but for the most part it pretty much adhered to the same general themes presented previously. In any case, while there is only so much one can do with a story involving a large shark--other than having it devour those in the area-the similarities to the earlier films just mentioned were much too obvious to be easily ignored or dismissed and as a result I have to rate this movie accordingly. Below average.
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