Review of The Pegasus

Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Pegasus (1994)
Season 7, Episode 12
What is 'The Experiment'?
12 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When news that the USS Pegasus, a ship that was assumed destroyed twelve years previously, is reported to have been found its former commander, Admiral Pressman, comes aboard the Enterprise to take command of the recovery mission. It isn't long before suspicions are raised about the Pegasus's final mission as we see Riker, who was a young ensign on that mission, and Pressman talk about 'The Experiment' and the possibility that it may be restarted. We then learn that there was a mutiny aboard and Riker was one of the few people to stand by his captain. When they get to the site of the Pegasus they find a Romulan ship is already searching the location; Pressman is determined that they don't get their hands on it but he is also determined that destroying it will be the last option. Eventually they find the Pegasus deep within an asteroid; fused with the rock. The Enterprise is taken in via a narrow fissure but are trapped when the Romulans 'accidentally' seal the way out. To get out they will have to use 'The Experiment'… a phased-cloaking device that will enable them to pass through solid rock but is strictly banned by treaty.

This is a fine episode with plenty of intrigue; as soon as 'The Experiment' is mentioned I wanted to know what it involved… the fact that it was so secret that Pressman ordered Riker not to mention it to anybody, including Picard, made it sound somewhat sinister. It was interesting to learn more about Riker's past; not only about the events on the Pegasus but also the reason why Picard selected him to be his First Officer. Riker's forced secrecy causes a degree of tension between him and Picard and at times threatens their relationship; both professionally and personally. Guest star Terry O'Quinn does a fine job as Pressman even though we can guess that his character is a wrong-un almost from the moment he is introduced. It was great to see that some within the usually all too perfect Federation are willing to break the rules. If the episode has a real flaw it is the fact that there is no explanation as to why there have been no further attempts to create a cloaking device in the previous twelve years. Overall though this was a really good episode that is well directed by LeVar 'Geordi La Forge' Burton.
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