Dante 01 (2008)
A prodigious mess of a film
15 August 2015
DANTE 01 is the bastard offspring of ALIEN 3, an unusual science fiction flick set on a prison ship fulled to the brim with bald criminals. This dialogue-lite story features a newcomer to the mix, played with kooky relish by Lambert Wilson (THE MATRIX RELOADED), who soon shows himself to have strange, Christ-like powers after an encounter with an alien race. Unfortunately for him, his presence on the ship soon leads to rioting and all-out anarchy...

This cautionary tale is an all-out religious parable in which subtlety is non-existent. It's also a very odd film and one which doesn't really have any entertainment value whatsoever. It takes the old, odd, bald guys from ALIEN 3 and doesn't really do anything with them except for having them act in increasingly weird ways. People like Dominique Pinon certainly look the part but they don't really have characters and the narrative seems to just shuffle from one scene to the next with no rhyme nor reason.

Annoyingly, the director is obsessed with inserting clumsy CGI effects into his film, effects which purportedly show some magical processes happening inside the human body, but these effects are extremely dodgy and the brief snippets of gore don't really add much either. The non-existent ending, in which the production team apparently ran out of budget so that they had to stop shooting, is a case in point of how frustrating this misfire is.
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