A Simple Wish (1997)
A Simple Wish Would Be the Extermination of This Film.
29 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A Simple Wish (1997): Dir: Michael Ritchie / Cast: Martin Short, Mara Wilson, Kathleen Turner, Amanda Plummer, Robert Pastorelli: Simple film much like many of its kind but it contains glorious visual images that are amongst its few praises. The title symbolizes complications. It stars Martin Short as a fairy godmother who accidentally turns Mara Wilson's father into a statue. They must retrieve the wand from an evil witch by midnight. Simple plot with numerous happenings that showcase massive production values. Unfortunately it doesn't present screenplay value. Children may not relate to Broadway musicals and auditions. Then again, what element of this film can a kid possible relate too? Director Michael Ritchie has fun with the magical elements. This is somewhat similar to one of his earlier films, The Golden Child. Short is basically the bunt of a bad joke looking ridiculous, and Wilson provides the ever familiar wholesome innocence. Kathleen Turner is a superb actress but playing this witch is so beneath her talent. Amanda Plummer plays her sidekick who belongs on a dog leash and marched around central park. Robert Pastorelli plays Wilson's father who more or less should be a statue considering the role. Are adults suppose to sit through this with their children and suffer along with the talent involved? Satire of fairy tales that had potential yet one might wish for a better screenplay. Score: 4 / 10
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