In Your Eyes (2014)
One good love story
3 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, my score may be too low? But I don't really like love stories but this could have been so much better but what I got was pretty good enough. So let me just start off by saying this: It had some slow moments and they could've easily added things that would actually make it a bit more logical. For instance they could've easily talked to each other on a bluetooth or phone! There are some stupid actions they did that could've been avoided also shortening the story which I would've loved since it was kind of too long. And to top it all off why didn't they exchange emails or give out actual phone numbers? Okay I'm done.

The story itself is probably the most understandable and logical explanation to where their bonds can be more closer to each other since they can feel and see what's happening to each other! Although a lot of things left unexplained, hey Joss wrote this right? Couldn't he have just added in some easter eggs about The Avengers or Agents of Shield? Meaning if they are in the superhero universe that they could have joined Shield right? Or explain that they have powers for simply living in that universe! If that were the case I wouldn't need a lot of detail or maybe their destination and ending could have changed trying to find headquarters of Shield.

Anyway enough superhero talk! Let me say this: For a love story I found this rather amusing, considering I absolutely abhor love stories in movies! We've seen it all before but this one was too good to look away despite it's flaws. The dialogue is entertaining and funny, chemistry builds that actually makes the two lovers get close. The only reason why I actually liked this one is because they can feel each other and that they actually are kind of made for each other since they cannot be separated, literally meaning that in a sense they can't really date anyone else than themselves. This is the closest thing I've ever seen in a love story that true love might actually exist! All and all I gotta say do not skip this romance movie.
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